This historical non-fiction is a collection of stories and anecdotes about the people and history of Northern Alberta. It offers a fascinating and personalized glimpse into the history of this beautiful region. Reading like a casual conversation between author and reader, More than Oil starts with the First Peoples of Northern Alberta and continues on to trace through the years as trappers and traders, pioneering families, and eventually industry, made their way into the region. A great story-telling book, it tells about notable individuals and families who ended up in Northern Alberta and the roles they played in its evolution and growth.
Readers can learn about the explorer, the soldier, the founder, the first postmaster, the bush pilots and many others. There are tales about the trading companies – The Hudson’s Bay Company and their rival the North West Company – and the forts that used to stand at the convergence of the Athabasca and Clearwater rivers. It also includes historical lessons such as the day Treaty 8 was signed down at the Snye (now a lagoon that was once a tributary flowing between the Athabasca and Clearwater).
From early on, this area had been key area for trade and transportation, but as highlighted in the book, nobody knew it would become the economic engine of the nation producing over 8% of Canada’s GDP. More Than Oil is an intriguing history with stories of strength, determination, perseverance and the spirit of adventure and a book that anyone interested in Canadian history should read. $25